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Writer's pictureSCSOpd


Sharing from #ProactiveCoaching :

Competitors don't turn it on and turn it off. They don't "save it for the game." Competitors are ready when the whistle blows, when the bell rings. When it rings for the game, when it rings for the practice, when it rings for class, they are ready. It doesn't take them 10 minutes to "get into it". When they come to the beginning of any competition, their motor is always running and they are engaged in the moment and for what is about to happen. If you cannot hold up to the discipline or living in the moment during preparation, there is little chance you can hold up to the discipline needed during the performance.

Competitors have an intensity level that other people do not understand. It is a mentality of intense focus. That intensity allows sustained concentration. They don't drift in and out of focus. Even weak people can be intense for short periods of time. The true competitor separates themselves from the crowd with their ability to live in the moment and sustain intensity. They have the constancy and singleness of purpose by living in each moment. The highest form of discipline is living in the moment.

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